Terms & Conditions

  • All home testing kits require venous blood draw taken by a qualified phlebotomist/nurse, home testing kits are not to be used for finger prick testing.
  • Certain blood tests require you to fast from food and caffeine for 2-3 hours before blood draw, please refrain from eating fatty foods 8 hours prior to draw.  If you do not follow these instructions, Atlas Laboratories Ltd will not be responsible for any impact to your results and/or incorrect analysis.
  • You must return your sample to our UKAS accredited partner laboratory using the pre-paid envelope provided on the day the sample was taken. It is vital you return the sample taken on same day the blood was drawn. Failure to do so may lead to deterioration of your sample which could affect the accuracy of your test results.
  • You must fill out the blank ‘Sample Date’ and ‘Sample Time’ on the included sample identification card when the blood was drawn.
  • Occasionally the laboratory is unable to test a sample sent to them. This may be because; insufficient blood amount for full analysis, the sample has deteriorated or clotted or because it has haemolysed.
  • If the laboratory cannot test your sample, we will send a second sample collection kit to you free-of-charge for you to repeat the test. If you made your own arrangements to have a venous sample collected by a medical professional, you will be responsible for making these arrangements yourself again, and for any costs incurred as a result. 
  • Based on the results of your test(s) and/or other information that you have provided to us, we may recommend that you purchase a follow-up test or that you speak to our GP or see your own GP for further investigation or both. You agree that you are solely responsible for acting on such guidance and that Atlas Laboratories Ltd accepts no liability in the event you choose not to do so.
  • By choosing this service you agree that you will share any test results that are outside of the normal range with your GP or a qualified medical professional. You further agree that Atlas Laboratories Ltd shall not be liable in any way for your failure to do so.
  • Your data may be shared with Public Health England and/or your local health protection authority in accordance with the Health Protection Regulations (2010) if your test result detects a notifiable disease.